Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm soooo behind

I know, the summer of 2008 is coming to a close and I have been absolutely terrible at keeping my posts current. I thought that once I returned to the big O that my "fan base" would diminish. It turns out some of you like hearing my ramblings -- even if I am now only 5 minutes down the road from you. So...I solemnly swear that I will try to get myself updated within the next couple of weeks (or months, or years).

Ugh, I really just need to start getting paid to do this, that way I don't have to keep trying to earn a living, parenting, wifing and blogging.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

We're goin' where? Not again...

So as most of you have heard by now, we're heading back to Ontario. As excited as I was at news that we'd be closer to family, all of us have really settled here in Halifax and even started to call it "home". We have met some wonderfully amazing friends and our neighbours - couldn't ask for better. I will never regret our time in the Maritimes - what a great place! However, our chance to be closer to family and the ability for Rob to cut down on all the travel was too tempting.

As quick as they said go (or authorized the expenses) we headed to Ontario to look for a house somewhere between Durham and Cobourg. It was a stressful (what she really means to say is, it was "hell") 5 days of house hunting but we finally found ourselves something that should keep everyone in the family happy. A pretty nice house in a nice neighbourhood for me, a quiet street and an inground pool for the kids, and close enough for Rob that he's not spending hours commuting. It's located in Oshawa at Rossland and Thornton. The downfall was the day we put an offer on it, someone else did too so it got pretty stressful - but we prevailed in the end.

Photo: Rob taking the kids to see the house for the first time. (Hope they like it - guess it's too bad if they don't). And yes, there is mature vegetation in Toronto as some of our Maritime friends were surprised to learn.

Photo: View from the kids' fort.

Our house in Halifax closes November 30 so we're going to have to stay in temporary housing (aka a hotel) for a month until our new house closes at the end of December. Time to have a big going away party now! Thank goodness for the extra bedroom in the basement - hope our Maritime friends will use it!

I guess I'll need to rename my blog as it's no longer going to be "Eastern Adventures". What about "Upper Canadian Adventures" -- that would be for Nathalie. Hmm, it doesn't have the same ring to it.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Separated at Birth?

I regularly get told how much Grant and Kevin look alike or when I'm out with both of them, people ask "How old are your twins?" Anyhow, I guess there's a little bit of a resemblance...okay, maybe quite a bit.

Photo: Best Buddies Kevin and Grant
So I'm in the dentist office with the kids last month (on my birthday actually) and as I'm finishing up with their paperwork at the front desk, the receptionist tells me I'm due for an appointment and if I'm available, they can take me "right now". I explain that it's not a good idea since I have the kids with me. She explains that they're no problem and she'll keep an eye on them in the playroom. Well, an hour later I finish up and as I'm getting out of the chair the fire alarm goes off.
"Ha, if my kids weren't with Anne I'd say that was Grant pulling that alarm!" I joked with the hygienist. As I enter the reception area I don't see the kids in the play area and as I look at the receptionist, in runs Ashley from the hallway and yells...
"It's not a real alarm. Grant pulled it!"
Oh crap, but it's technically not my fault as I wasn't in charge (right???).
Anyhow, we quietly finish our paperwork and leave. Getting into the car I see all the people from the building coming outside and the stores "evacuating" their customers. Quick, quick, start the ignition, get the hell out of here.
You know what, it's my birthday, I'm going to the liquor store to get myself a few coolers, it's just across the street. I do just that and as I come out of the liquor store, I see that 3 fire engines have now arrived at the building and everyone is still standing outside. Oh man, I wonder what would happen if I just drank all of these coolers right now.
Well, another day in the life of parenting. Thank goodness that automatic fine of $800 for pulling a false alarm doesn't start until January 1. That could have been an expensive dental visit...though I'd have passed my bill to the receptionist.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And the fall brings...

Okay, into September we go and we're all abuzz as we prepare for Grandma and Grandpa Dempster's visit. This is their first visit to the East Coast so we're ready to put on our tour guide hats and show them everything they need to see in four short days. We didn't do too bad and even had mum and dad eat lobster. Yes, it is hard to believe they both grew up on an island and have never eaten lobster.

Photo: The cutest couple I know taking a break
at Lunenburg Harbour.

Photo: Relax grandma, if it's red, it's dead. It's not gonna
jump up and snap you...or is it?

Photo: Mum, Roy and Dad. I'll bet Roy is still telling his story...
to someone, somewhere.

Photo: It brings tears to your eyes just knowing your mum and dad have been where people like Kelly and Diana have become so liquored up, they hardly remember leaving (no, not me).

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Days

As much as we loved our summer, September brought with it some excitement. Grant was starting his first day of school and Ashley was entering Grade 3. I think big sister was quite excited to have her little brother riding along beside her on the bus. Grant wasn't looking forward to having to go to school "all day and every day". I think his response was something like, "Oh man, that's gonna be terrible."

Photo: Ashley and Grant...waiting for the school bus.

Photo: Grant. (hmm, if I smile really cute and be charming, this might work out in my favour).

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Run Forgie, Run!

Photos: My official bib number

Well, it was my first "officially timed" 10K run today. I did the NAVY run this morning and it went well. I was about 5 minutes behind my last time but I have also had a "fun" summer so my so-called training has been getting put on the back burner a bit. My official time was 1:06:37 and I am now motivated to get back down closer to the 1 hour mark. Had a great run and felt very accomplished afterward. I'll post some pics once I get them myself.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ashley's 8th Birthday

Decisions, decisions. It's not easy planning a birthday party anymore. Gotta be unique and memorable. Right? We celebrated Ashley's 8th birthday at Ground Zero Climbing Gym. Once we got past the mean and nasty party host, we had a great time. Happy birthday Ashley...can't believe you're 8 already! xo

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Atlantic Antics

Phew, say that title five times fast. We had a great vacation this summer. We rented an RV and travelled to PEI and New Brunswick. Our friends (whose RV is much nicer than my home) joined us for a few days and then the Forgie gang continued the travels on our own. Our trip included some time in Cavendish (PEI) followed by a few days in Shediac (NB) and then back toward home for a night in Glenholme, which is just outside of Truro. Once again, lots of photos I'd love to share so I have done another one of those annoying photo montages. Sorry.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Summer 2007 Pics

So we've had lots of fun so far this summer and we're not done yet. Instead of posting a tonne of photos, I have had too much time on my hands (well, not really) and created another photo video. This includes pics of a trip the kids and I took to PEI, Brownie camp, a girls only night at Beauty and the Beast, a family trip to Upper Clements Park and a few other little fun activities here and there. Once again, turn on the speakers and enjoy.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Canada Day!

Our Canada Day this year was low key. We went to a neighbour's house for an afternoon party and then the four of us went to the Bedford waterfront for what I consider to be one of the best fireworks displays. (Though it wasn't the same without the Wilkinsons here this time). The kids had a great time in the afternoon canoeing and playing on the water trampoline. No fear as always!

Photo: (top) Grant has already jumped while Ashley is getting ready for the run, (bottom) A boy and a girl in a little canoe.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Graduate

After two years of life as a preschooler, Grant has received his diploma and is now off to Primary in September to begin life with Ashley as a full time school boy. It should come as no surprise that he was a bit of ham during the ceremony and we have the pictures to prove it.
Photo: Grant receiving his diploma from Miss Kelly.
(Just smile and say "thank you", Grant.)

Photo: And they say bad luck comes in about sixes?

Photo: The official "Grad" innocent, if only they knew.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Grant's Birthday Party

It was three weeks late, but Grant's birthday party finally happened on May 6 and I think he'll agree that the wait was worth it. He had a blast having our basement turned into a giant reptile terranium courtesy of the Lizard Queen and her friends. Turn on your speakers and enjoy the show! (I know it's a worm song, but it's all I could find that had to do with slithery things :P

Friday, April 13, 2007

April Showers Bring...April Flurries???

Well, it's still "winter" in Halifax. We do get a beautiful fall but I think that's so we don't go crazy waiting for summer to arrive. Not much is new here but I do have a few little stories to tell. Hope I don't bore you death.

I was awakened this morning by Dallas going crazy at the window. She's pacing back and forth, whining and panting heavy (it wasn't Rob - he's in Toronto). So, what goes through my head? Great, I have to deal with a burglar on my own...where's the Louisville slugger? Then I hear a strange noise outside that doesn't sound like a burglar but a strange animal. It's almost dawn so I can see outside a bit (I'm not going to mention the light dusting of snow that appeared overnight as I'm in denial). What the #&$ is that scattered on the front lawn? Ducks!! Five ducks. A couple of females surrounded by some competitive boys. All quacking and chasing each other. The fact that I had a flock (is it a flock...herd, school..whatever) of ducks on my lawn was rather odd but watching them make webprints in the snow was also an unfamiliar sight. Am I drunk? Because I did go to Jann Arden last night and had a helluva good time so maybe I had more cocktails than I thought and I'm in the hallucination stage? Nope. The dog really is going crazy and there really are ducks and snow on the front lawn. Did I get out my camera...gosh, I could hardly find myself at the crack of dawn let alone the camera.

Photo: Our little family of ducks has turned our front lawn into their home for the spring. I was finally able to get some pictures of our new house guests. They're kind of cute...but make a big mess.

So, speaking of cameras, I wish I had my camera for this next story, but it's probably good I didn't as getting these ones developed at Costco could pose some questions.

Grant and his two little friends were playing outside yesterday. It was a beautiful day and we were all out in our t-shirts and jeans. I came inside to look after a few things but shortly after I heard the outside tap get turned on. I finish what I'm doing (I'm not the rush to the scene type, though maybe I should be) and go outside to check on things. As I round the corner I hear giggling and a little voice saying, "This is going to be so much fun...I'm so excited!" My eyes meet upon two bare bottoms (with the exception of their bike helmets) standing by the kiddy pool that's been dragged out from under the deck. Of course, the third little boy was still fully clothed, including his bike helmet, just watching them in amazement. My reaction...

"Boys, what are you doing?"
"Just filling up the pool so we can go for a swim. It's a hot day ya know!"
"Boys, why don't you have any clothes on?"
"We can't swim in our clothes mom, they'll get all wet." Now, there is logic to that response but the fact that their clothes are placed right beside the tap where the pool is being filled, tells me they're not as clever as I'd like to think. Anyhow, it all worked out, nobody drowned or suffered from hypothermia and I think it's only one of the many tales we'll have to tell to their future in-laws.

Back to Jann Arden. Love her, loved the concert. She has such crisp vocals and her humour is totally entertaining. She sings a good story...though she's definitely in need of some happy pills. It also helps to enjoy these events when you have a friend who owns a skybox so you also get a great view and it comes with a waitress. Thanks Nat!

Now back to the naked boy. Grant turns five this Sunday. We had scheduled his party for Sunday but now our Reptile Guy has suddenly withdrawn from his obligations. I will use his name, Charlie Deveaux, so that if anyone ever Googles him, they'll find out not to use him unless they want to disappoint a houseful of preschoolers. Note: Do not use Charlie Deveaux -- he is a slimy reptile and should be eaten by his bearded dragon. I'm not bitter. After I finish here I get to spend this evening calling parents to inform them that we have rescheduled to a date that is yet to be announced. Grant is taking it quite well...he's definitely easier going with these types of things.

Rob returns home from Toronto tonight. Hopefully his return will be easier than last week when he was in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was supposed to fly home on Wednesday night (just on time for the Easter weekend). Newfoundland was experiencing some bad weather, not that that is news, but his flight got cancelled. They informed him his next available flight would be Sunday evening. Yes, 5 days later. He could try standby but it looked like he was going to be one of hundreds waiting for standby flights off of The Rock. Rob decided to drive, yes, you can drive off of an island but it includes a very traumatic ferry boat ride where the sleeping arrangements include a metal bunk. Well, after a day and a half of driving and ferrying, Rob made it home on Friday morning. He was in a great mood!! There's that sarcasm again.

Okay, off I go to make some phone calls. Hope all is well with the rest of the world.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

As Winter Passes...Slowly

I seem to recall the same thing happening last year. January and February pass with little to report. And this year is no different. While our winter has been mild, it has also been uneventful. We did finally manage to put our ski passes to use when February brought just enough snow to make our trips to the hill worthwhile. The kids have really gotten into it this year and Grant seems to thrive on the compliments from the older generation on his skiing ability. He returns a really quick "thank you" and carries on as though he's a boy with a mission. He's just playing cool. The three of us have also done quite a bit of skating so when they become teenage delinquents, they cannot blame it on lack of activity or attention from their mother. I can't take all the credit for the future delinquency though, Rob has joined us on a few occasions so I will have someone else to blame as well.

Photo: Ashley trying some hockey at the neighbourhood pond while Grant (below) prefers just to race anyone who agrees to do so (and let him win).
Photo: Grant and I with Ashley holding the camera.
(Hmm, I seem to have a halo over my head. How symbolic.)

Photo: Grant and Ashley taking some time at the hill to love each other.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

These are a few of my favourite things...

Well, winter is slowly passing and that old saying about March coming in like a lion, blah, blah, blah is going through my head. Just though I'd share a few of my favourite photos since it's been a slow news month.

Photo (above): This is Grant and his little friend Olivia. Ashley's school held a Ceilidh (only in Eastern Canada do schools hold Ceilidhs) and these two did some dancing of their own. They are friends from preschool and will go to school together in September. I think they were arguing about who gets to lead. Trouble.

Photo (above): Wonder Grant. This is what happens when your mommy tinkers on the computer too much.

Photo (above): There are only so many years left when you can have a bath with a bunch of your friends before it becomes just plain weird. Enjoy.

Photo (above): When the snow finally arrived, the boys were all ready for it.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Photo: People say I don't post my own photo...there I am in the back (green top). Happy?
This year we decided to host our own New Year's Eve party. It was one of those on again, off again plans that ended up being very on again. We had 22 adults in total and a heck of a lot of fun. My friend Nathalie received one of those real deal karaoke machines for Christmas and while I thought we weren't karaoke people - it turns out we are...and we had a great time figuring that out. The night started with Rob on the mic, which should come as no surprise. However, it wasn't long before the line-ups and upstaging started to take over. It seems our coffee table presented itself as a great stage and no one needed any coaxing to perform. Ashley had gone for a sleepover at a friend's house and everyone else had their kids at a neighbour's house with a couple of babysitters so it was an adult only night where some of us took full advantage of it (not me...of course not). Not sure how Roy ended up wearing Nathalie's heels or at what point Rob actually lost centre stage, but it's all in good fun! Here we go...

Photo (above): This is Rob and Roy...

...and these are Rob and Roy's feet. did you get your
feet into those heels? Roy claims these shoes were great for dancing.

Photo (above): Hmmm, maybe they were singing Lady Marmelot. Rob definitely enjoyed it.

Photo: It's not a party without silly hats and horns.
Photo: Rob and Norma in a duet. Back off Norma, he's all man and he's mine.

Photo: Let me the Copa, Copa Cabana... Go Brian!

Photo: Karaoke Kween Nathalie with husband Larry.

Photo: Three Connors brothers...and Brian again!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

Photo: Ashley and Grant are just a little bit hyper waiting for Santa's big arrival.

Whew, he came and he left toys instead of coal! A few mishaps this year left Ashley and Grant a little bit concerned that Santa would be leaving coal in those boxes instead of toys. Fortunately, Santa is very forgiving and decided they were pretty good kids when it comes down to it. As some of you probably heard (we know the neighbours do) that it was a musical Christmas this year. Ashley received an electric guitar (amplifier included) and a karaoke machine. Grant received a drum set. Hmmm, gotta have a word with Santa as to why he didn't bring ear plugs for mom and dad. However, they are having a lot of fun with their instruments and Ashley is planning on taking acoustic guitar lessons later this winter. We were fortunate to receive many invites over the Christmas season and spent Christmas eve with neighbours and Christmas day with some good friends.
Photo: Introducing Rob on guitar and Grant on drums.

Photo: Grant plays an encore to a sell-out basement crowd.

Photo: Poor Ashley, all she got for Christmas was...everything.

Photo: Grant is the king of his own toy mountain.

Friday, December 08, 2006

First Snow of 2006/2007

Photo: (Top) Ashley and Brooke in their usual Seventeen Magazine pose. (Bottom)Grant and his friend Lane enjoying some snowplay in the backyard.

I guess it's that time of year when the buzz around the water cooler is "weather". December 4 brought this year's first snowfall. We received quite a dumping that forecasters failed to warn us about. The kids were ecstatic and since it came late in the day, the city didn't come to a stand still and the army was not needed. Hard to believe, but 72 hours later, this was all gone and it looked like it hadn't even snowed.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Forgie Meets T.O.

Oh no, she's back again! While it was only four months ago when I last set foot in old T.O., it was good to be back. Rob and the kids gave me a plane ticket home for my birthday so I could have a pre-Christmas visit with family. I had a busy weekend and managed to get quite a lot of visits in considering my time was short and I didn't have a vehicle. I arrived on Thursday evening and Ailsa graciously picked me up at the airport. We went back to her place and had an early evening as we'd be going to the One of A Kind show with my mum and niece Jeanette the next day. After wandering around the massive show most of the day on Friday, we went for some dinner and drinks at a downtown pub and then back to Fiona's where we chatted until 2 a.m. before heading back to Ailsa's. The next day we did some shopping and then I went for a visit to the Forgie compound where I saw grandma and grandpa Forgie, Sharon, and Elizabeth. We then went for dinner at my brother Stuart's new house. Following that we went back to Ailsa's where Roxanne came by and we hit the wild town of Newmarket for a few late night drinks (after already consuming a few too many at Ailsa's). The next day I met up with Kelly, Kim and Tracey in Scarborough for brunch and was feeling a bit fluish (okay-hungover) but still enjoyed some really nice company. It's always appreciated when friends and family take time out to see you when you're in town...thanks guys! Also, an extra special thanks to Ailsa for her hosting and chauffeur duties and Kelly for getting me to my brother's and out to the airport where I could return to Rob and the kids who seemed to cope pretty well without me. Sniff, sniff. PS: Happy birthday Ailsa...this is your last thirty-something birthday (just in case you forgot that).

Saturday, November 11, 2006

If you don't like the weather...

Photo: Gee Toto, I don't think we're in Toronto anymore.
I know, I know - probably every province in Canada (well, maybe not Ontario) has that expression about the weather and just waiting five minutes. However, this province does bring some pretty wild and very amazing weather. It normally takes two of us to move the trampoline when we need to mow the grass under it so it's pretty impressive when the wind can pick the trampoline and its enclosure up and throw them into the forest. This happened on a windy day in November. Fortunately, it was nothing a few new parts couldn't fix.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Always a Leaf Fan

Photo: What else do Canadians do on a Saturday night, even in Halifax.
Photo: Rob and our neighbour Shawn.

I'm not sure if I need to question why Rob and Shawn spend so much time together. Oh well, as long as everyone is happy, that's all that matters in life. Isn't it? LOL.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween 2006

Okay, I'm a terrible, awful mother - I will confess. I had my camera all set to go this Halloween, but failed to use it. The kids had a great time and the weather was absolutely perfect. That's two Halloweens in a row without winter gear under the costumes. The kids managed to get our end of the neighbourhood done, which (for those who've been here and understand) is quite an accomplishment. Ashley was a lady vampire and Grant alternated between Batman and a football player. You just have to look at last year's photos to see his costume. Don't ya love recycling!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Very Well-Behaved Birthday Weekend

Photo: Kim and Brock at Peggy's Cove just before a wave surge.

My friends Kelly and Kim (along with her little guy 10-month-old Brock) flew into Halifax for a long weekend on October 27 (just a few days after my thirty-somethinth birthday). I guess you get to a certain age when the idea of spending your birthday weekend at home and ordering Chinese food is actually an adventurous thought. Brock was great little visitor and Ashley and Grant entertained him extremely well. We managed to go make it to Lunenburg and Peggy's Cove. Our trip to Lunenburg was nice but Peggy's Cove was pretty cool. It was a stormy day and the waves were going wild. A lady that works in the tourist shop said she hadn't seen the waves coming up to the lighthouse since Hurricane Juan. Even after she has travelled the world a few times over, we actually found somewhere Kelly hadn't been - and I think she was actually impressed by. Ashley and Grant were quite sad to see Brock leave and Grant referred to him as "soooo adorable." And how could I forget - for my birthday Rob and the kids got me a flight to Toronto (on my own) at the end of November. Wow, four days off...what am I going to do with myself? Thanks guys!

Photo: Brock needs to grow into his sou'wester hat a bit more.

Photo: Some pretty angry waves at Peggy's Cove.