Friday, April 13, 2007

April Showers Bring...April Flurries???

Well, it's still "winter" in Halifax. We do get a beautiful fall but I think that's so we don't go crazy waiting for summer to arrive. Not much is new here but I do have a few little stories to tell. Hope I don't bore you death.

I was awakened this morning by Dallas going crazy at the window. She's pacing back and forth, whining and panting heavy (it wasn't Rob - he's in Toronto). So, what goes through my head? Great, I have to deal with a burglar on my own...where's the Louisville slugger? Then I hear a strange noise outside that doesn't sound like a burglar but a strange animal. It's almost dawn so I can see outside a bit (I'm not going to mention the light dusting of snow that appeared overnight as I'm in denial). What the #&$ is that scattered on the front lawn? Ducks!! Five ducks. A couple of females surrounded by some competitive boys. All quacking and chasing each other. The fact that I had a flock (is it a flock...herd, school..whatever) of ducks on my lawn was rather odd but watching them make webprints in the snow was also an unfamiliar sight. Am I drunk? Because I did go to Jann Arden last night and had a helluva good time so maybe I had more cocktails than I thought and I'm in the hallucination stage? Nope. The dog really is going crazy and there really are ducks and snow on the front lawn. Did I get out my camera...gosh, I could hardly find myself at the crack of dawn let alone the camera.

Photo: Our little family of ducks has turned our front lawn into their home for the spring. I was finally able to get some pictures of our new house guests. They're kind of cute...but make a big mess.

So, speaking of cameras, I wish I had my camera for this next story, but it's probably good I didn't as getting these ones developed at Costco could pose some questions.

Grant and his two little friends were playing outside yesterday. It was a beautiful day and we were all out in our t-shirts and jeans. I came inside to look after a few things but shortly after I heard the outside tap get turned on. I finish what I'm doing (I'm not the rush to the scene type, though maybe I should be) and go outside to check on things. As I round the corner I hear giggling and a little voice saying, "This is going to be so much fun...I'm so excited!" My eyes meet upon two bare bottoms (with the exception of their bike helmets) standing by the kiddy pool that's been dragged out from under the deck. Of course, the third little boy was still fully clothed, including his bike helmet, just watching them in amazement. My reaction...

"Boys, what are you doing?"
"Just filling up the pool so we can go for a swim. It's a hot day ya know!"
"Boys, why don't you have any clothes on?"
"We can't swim in our clothes mom, they'll get all wet." Now, there is logic to that response but the fact that their clothes are placed right beside the tap where the pool is being filled, tells me they're not as clever as I'd like to think. Anyhow, it all worked out, nobody drowned or suffered from hypothermia and I think it's only one of the many tales we'll have to tell to their future in-laws.

Back to Jann Arden. Love her, loved the concert. She has such crisp vocals and her humour is totally entertaining. She sings a good story...though she's definitely in need of some happy pills. It also helps to enjoy these events when you have a friend who owns a skybox so you also get a great view and it comes with a waitress. Thanks Nat!

Now back to the naked boy. Grant turns five this Sunday. We had scheduled his party for Sunday but now our Reptile Guy has suddenly withdrawn from his obligations. I will use his name, Charlie Deveaux, so that if anyone ever Googles him, they'll find out not to use him unless they want to disappoint a houseful of preschoolers. Note: Do not use Charlie Deveaux -- he is a slimy reptile and should be eaten by his bearded dragon. I'm not bitter. After I finish here I get to spend this evening calling parents to inform them that we have rescheduled to a date that is yet to be announced. Grant is taking it quite well...he's definitely easier going with these types of things.

Rob returns home from Toronto tonight. Hopefully his return will be easier than last week when he was in St. John's, Newfoundland. He was supposed to fly home on Wednesday night (just on time for the Easter weekend). Newfoundland was experiencing some bad weather, not that that is news, but his flight got cancelled. They informed him his next available flight would be Sunday evening. Yes, 5 days later. He could try standby but it looked like he was going to be one of hundreds waiting for standby flights off of The Rock. Rob decided to drive, yes, you can drive off of an island but it includes a very traumatic ferry boat ride where the sleeping arrangements include a metal bunk. Well, after a day and a half of driving and ferrying, Rob made it home on Friday morning. He was in a great mood!! There's that sarcasm again.

Okay, off I go to make some phone calls. Hope all is well with the rest of the world.