Wednesday, August 16, 2006

And Finally...

August 12 - 16, 2006: The Provan family which consists of Charmaine (Bubbles), Norman, Taylor, Collin and Rachel were the last family to visit us this summer. Mitch decided his last summer before starting university could be spent at home earning some money for school.
Photo: Brad Pitt before he got messed up with that Angelina Jolie. Oh sorry, that's Taylor with Collin...but there is a resemblance, isn't there.
Photo: Taylor, Rachel, Grant and Ashley on rocks at back of our property.
Photo: Ashley and Rachel lost somewhere in a bubble bath

Everyone had a great time but we didn't see a whole lot of them as they were quite anxious to do their own exploring and came with a pre-planned itinerary. Of course we did send them to Lunenburg for the Lobstermen Tour and they all enjoyed that. Ashley and Rachel had a lot of fun just being buddies again and they got along very well. Grant couldn't get enough of his "big brudders" even if he told them several times a time to go away...but that's what makes Grant who he is! After leaving here they went on to P.E.I. and then home through the States.