Our adventure on the Island was even better. We discovered that the east side of P.E.I. holds many beautiful sites and though we didn't see a lot of places, we quickly discovered that Basin Head Beach in Singing Sands Park is stunning. The kids were able to wander about the water finding crabs, star fish and quite surprisingly a lobster.
Photo (below): Grant and Cameron making a bed for their crab.

Grant, our resident dare devil, decided to jump off the pier which stands about 15 feet high. He emerged from the water screaming, "That was awesome!" There's actually a long version of that story but I'll save you some reading.

Photo (above): Grant making a splash with me directly above him getting set to jump
Photo: Ashley and Maddie being "cool" at Basin Head.
Our adventures also found us in Cavendish which is more of a touristy area and Murray River where we went on a seal watch but didn't have much luck seeing many seals. We also went to Sandspit Amusement Park and to a cemetery (don't ask) where the kids tried to spook each other silly. We all enjoyed one another's company and were quite sad with the realization that it would probably be another year before we made company with one another again unless we make it home over the winter. Sniff, sniff!
FTV Sneak Preview: September brings Rob's sister Cheryl and her partner Brian for a visit as well as Rob's long-awaited Stones concert here in Halifax. Keep checking for updates!
Note to Ailsa: As promised, I looked it up and they have no beverage cans in P.E.I. because people don't recycle them. They have a 98% return rate on bottles...best in Canada. It's an environmental thing!