Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

Photo: Ashley and Grant are just a little bit hyper waiting for Santa's big arrival.

Whew, he came and he left toys instead of coal! A few mishaps this year left Ashley and Grant a little bit concerned that Santa would be leaving coal in those boxes instead of toys. Fortunately, Santa is very forgiving and decided they were pretty good kids when it comes down to it. As some of you probably heard (we know the neighbours do) that it was a musical Christmas this year. Ashley received an electric guitar (amplifier included) and a karaoke machine. Grant received a drum set. Hmmm, gotta have a word with Santa as to why he didn't bring ear plugs for mom and dad. However, they are having a lot of fun with their instruments and Ashley is planning on taking acoustic guitar lessons later this winter. We were fortunate to receive many invites over the Christmas season and spent Christmas eve with neighbours and Christmas day with some good friends.
Photo: Introducing Rob on guitar and Grant on drums.

Photo: Grant plays an encore to a sell-out basement crowd.

Photo: Poor Ashley, all she got for Christmas was...everything.

Photo: Grant is the king of his own toy mountain.

Friday, December 08, 2006

First Snow of 2006/2007

Photo: (Top) Ashley and Brooke in their usual Seventeen Magazine pose. (Bottom)Grant and his friend Lane enjoying some snowplay in the backyard.

I guess it's that time of year when the buzz around the water cooler is "weather". December 4 brought this year's first snowfall. We received quite a dumping that forecasters failed to warn us about. The kids were ecstatic and since it came late in the day, the city didn't come to a stand still and the army was not needed. Hard to believe, but 72 hours later, this was all gone and it looked like it hadn't even snowed.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Forgie Meets T.O.

Oh no, she's back again! While it was only four months ago when I last set foot in old T.O., it was good to be back. Rob and the kids gave me a plane ticket home for my birthday so I could have a pre-Christmas visit with family. I had a busy weekend and managed to get quite a lot of visits in considering my time was short and I didn't have a vehicle. I arrived on Thursday evening and Ailsa graciously picked me up at the airport. We went back to her place and had an early evening as we'd be going to the One of A Kind show with my mum and niece Jeanette the next day. After wandering around the massive show most of the day on Friday, we went for some dinner and drinks at a downtown pub and then back to Fiona's where we chatted until 2 a.m. before heading back to Ailsa's. The next day we did some shopping and then I went for a visit to the Forgie compound where I saw grandma and grandpa Forgie, Sharon, and Elizabeth. We then went for dinner at my brother Stuart's new house. Following that we went back to Ailsa's where Roxanne came by and we hit the wild town of Newmarket for a few late night drinks (after already consuming a few too many at Ailsa's). The next day I met up with Kelly, Kim and Tracey in Scarborough for brunch and was feeling a bit fluish (okay-hungover) but still enjoyed some really nice company. It's always appreciated when friends and family take time out to see you when you're in town...thanks guys! Also, an extra special thanks to Ailsa for her hosting and chauffeur duties and Kelly for getting me to my brother's and out to the airport where I could return to Rob and the kids who seemed to cope pretty well without me. Sniff, sniff. PS: Happy birthday Ailsa...this is your last thirty-something birthday (just in case you forgot that).

Saturday, November 11, 2006

If you don't like the weather...

Photo: Gee Toto, I don't think we're in Toronto anymore.
I know, I know - probably every province in Canada (well, maybe not Ontario) has that expression about the weather and just waiting five minutes. However, this province does bring some pretty wild and very amazing weather. It normally takes two of us to move the trampoline when we need to mow the grass under it so it's pretty impressive when the wind can pick the trampoline and its enclosure up and throw them into the forest. This happened on a windy day in November. Fortunately, it was nothing a few new parts couldn't fix.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Always a Leaf Fan

Photo: What else do Canadians do on a Saturday night, even in Halifax.
Photo: Rob and our neighbour Shawn.

I'm not sure if I need to question why Rob and Shawn spend so much time together. Oh well, as long as everyone is happy, that's all that matters in life. Isn't it? LOL.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween 2006

Okay, I'm a terrible, awful mother - I will confess. I had my camera all set to go this Halloween, but failed to use it. The kids had a great time and the weather was absolutely perfect. That's two Halloweens in a row without winter gear under the costumes. The kids managed to get our end of the neighbourhood done, which (for those who've been here and understand) is quite an accomplishment. Ashley was a lady vampire and Grant alternated between Batman and a football player. You just have to look at last year's photos to see his costume. Don't ya love recycling!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Very Well-Behaved Birthday Weekend

Photo: Kim and Brock at Peggy's Cove just before a wave surge.

My friends Kelly and Kim (along with her little guy 10-month-old Brock) flew into Halifax for a long weekend on October 27 (just a few days after my thirty-somethinth birthday). I guess you get to a certain age when the idea of spending your birthday weekend at home and ordering Chinese food is actually an adventurous thought. Brock was great little visitor and Ashley and Grant entertained him extremely well. We managed to go make it to Lunenburg and Peggy's Cove. Our trip to Lunenburg was nice but Peggy's Cove was pretty cool. It was a stormy day and the waves were going wild. A lady that works in the tourist shop said she hadn't seen the waves coming up to the lighthouse since Hurricane Juan. Even after she has travelled the world a few times over, we actually found somewhere Kelly hadn't been - and I think she was actually impressed by. Ashley and Grant were quite sad to see Brock leave and Grant referred to him as "soooo adorable." And how could I forget - for my birthday Rob and the kids got me a flight to Toronto (on my own) at the end of November. Wow, four days off...what am I going to do with myself? Thanks guys!

Photo: Brock needs to grow into his sou'wester hat a bit more.

Photo: Some pretty angry waves at Peggy's Cove.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Apple Picking in the Valley

Thanksgiving weekend brought with it sunny skies and warm, beautiful weather. On the Saturday the four of us went to Riverbreeze Farm to enjoy the province's biggest corn maze, giant sling shots and outdoor fun. Photo: Ashley preparing to launch her ball from the sling shot. Hit the target and win an ice cream!

Photo: Grant (red shirt) catching a ride on the Cow Train Express.

Being the first day of Sunday shopping, Rob decided he should go into work that Sunday so the kids and I went to the Valley for some apple and pumpkin picking. Did we really need 25 pounds of apples? No. But did we have fun picking them? Yes.

Photo: Fearless Grant climbing to the top of the tree for the best picks.

Photo: Wedding crashers Ashley and her friend Kaleigh try to break up a pumpkin wedding on the way home from apple picking.

Our neighbours Roy & Joanne were kind enough to invite us over for Thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday. We had a really nice time and it was great having turkey and not having to do all the work.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hey Big Sister...

After recovering from the excitement and chaos of the summer months, we welcomed our first visitors for the fall 2006 season. Rob's sister Cheryl and her boyfriend Brian arrived in Halifax the last week in September for a visit with her little brother and some golfing.

Photo: Hanging out at Peggy's Cove are Cheryl, Brooke (Ashley's friend), Brian, Ashley, Grant and Rob.

Photo: Rob watching the waves crash at Peggy's Cove.

Cheryl & Brian seemed to fit a lot into their week which included a few rounds of golf and lots of touristy things. They managed to make it up to New Brunswick to visit some friends for a few days and returned to Halifax just in time for Cheryl to clean up a disaster in our downstairs bathroom. Although I don't think she was too upset about doing it after being rewarded with a few bottles of her favourite imported soap. (You'll have to ask Cheryl about this one).

Photos: (left) Cheryl & Brian at the always familiar Peggy's Cove. (right) Cheryl contemplating the meaning of life at Peggy's Cove...it's a common occurence there.

Photo: Ashley and Brooke on their modelling shoot at Peggy's Cove.

The kids loved having aunt Cheryl and Brian around and behaved pretty decent. We never realized Cheryl has become such a dog lover and even Dallas was sad to see her leave...boo hoo. Hey Brian, don't forget your clubs. Again, you'll need to ask them about this one. Next visitors are Kelly and Kim who arrive at the end of October. Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sweet September Brings Satisfaction

Sorry, maybe I should get a job writing tag lines for the local paper. But wow, what a month September proved to be. Sunday shopping (finally) and The Rolling Stones both found their way to Halifax. Sunday shopping excitement requires no description of how much easier our lives have just become, but the Stones concert was the whipped cream and cherry on top of my other sundae.

Even though I lost everyone I went with, watched the concert on my own in what was probably record rainfall, and wandered the streets of Halifax until I caught a cab home...I had a great time! You know you're having fun when you're surprised it's over already. The Stones apparently took the stage for over two hours but it felt like I'd been there just shy of an hour.

So why did I lose everyone I went there with? Well, when you rely on actually hearing a cell phone ring at a rock concert with 50,000 people, that's your first mistake. Secondly, when you rely on your cell phone working when your entire body (including the undergarments under your undergarments) feel like they've just come out of the washing machine, that's your next mistake. Finally, don't think you can go pee and find your way back through 50,000 standing concert goers. So, rather than drown in my sorrows (no pun intended) I decided to make do and enjoy the night. My standing area view wasn't the greatest but it certainly was warm squeezed in there with the other general admission ticket buyers. There was so much pot in the air that I figure merely breathing helped numb the shivers.

While wandering down (or up, I'm not sure as I had no sense of direction) Robie Street I found a nice police officer who gave me some tips on how to catch a cab (legally). Presto...I was on my way home. Of course, that's the evening Cheryl & Brian were arriving from Toronto so my Alice Cooper make-up and Ozzy Osbourne-like ramblings may have made her a bit nervous at first. However, once the effects of the alcohol began to wear off, we were having a nice conversation and wondering where the heck Rob was. Two hours later, he showed up via cab as well.

Anyhow, that's how September has been so far. Pretty sweet. We'll update you on the rest of Cheryl and Brian's visit soon.

It's funny, they banned Sunday shopping for so long and now that they've allowed it, the only day stores have to close is Remembrance Day. The traditional "sacred" closing days are now up to retailers. They're a bit "different" out here.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

On the Road Again...and Again

August 23 - 25, 2006: Well, before she could change her mind I quickly packed up the kids and headed to the P.E.I. ferry to visit Ailsa and her gang on the Island. The journey there was a great adventure for the kids who have never travelled on the Northumberland Ferry. It was a lot of fun and they had a great (though very windy) time watching the water for whales and seals on our way over to the island. No sightings though!

Our adventure on the Island was even better. We discovered that the east side of P.E.I. holds many beautiful sites and though we didn't see a lot of places, we quickly discovered that Basin Head Beach in Singing Sands Park is stunning. The kids were able to wander about the water finding crabs, star fish and quite surprisingly a lobster.

Photo (below): Grant and Cameron making a bed for their crab.

Photo (above): Ashley holding the starfish she caught at Basin Head beach

Grant, our resident dare devil, decided to jump off the pier which stands about 15 feet high. He emerged from the water screaming, "That was awesome!" There's actually a long version of that story but I'll save you some reading.
Photo (above): Grant making a splash with me directly above him getting set to jump

Photo: Grant climbing up the very high ladder back onto the pier.

Photo: Ashley and Maddie being "cool" at Basin Head.

Our adventures also found us in Cavendish which is more of a touristy area and Murray River where we went on a seal watch but didn't have much luck seeing many seals. We also went to Sandspit Amusement Park and to a cemetery (don't ask) where the kids tried to spook each other silly. We all enjoyed one another's company and were quite sad with the realization that it would probably be another year before we made company with one another again unless we make it home over the winter. Sniff, sniff!

FTV Sneak Preview: September brings Rob's sister Cheryl and her partner Brian for a visit as well as Rob's long-awaited Stones concert here in Halifax. Keep checking for updates!

Note to Ailsa: As promised, I looked it up and they have no beverage cans in P.E.I. because people don't recycle them. They have a 98% return rate on bottles...best in Canada. It's an environmental thing!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Happy 7th Birthday Ashley!

Once all the company departed and things settled a bit, Ashley celebrated her 7th birthday with a Hawaiian Luau on August 20th. We prayed for good weather and well, at least it didn't rain! The 10 girls and 3 boys bobbed for apples, had water balloon fights, coconut and tacky tourist relays completed with a pinata. I think the water balloons were the biggest hit but they all had a blast.
Photo: Ashley decided it's easier to bob for apples when you're in the tub!

Photo: Rob was brave (or dumb) enough to be the target for the water balloon shots.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

And Finally...

August 12 - 16, 2006: The Provan family which consists of Charmaine (Bubbles), Norman, Taylor, Collin and Rachel were the last family to visit us this summer. Mitch decided his last summer before starting university could be spent at home earning some money for school.
Photo: Brad Pitt before he got messed up with that Angelina Jolie. Oh sorry, that's Taylor with Collin...but there is a resemblance, isn't there.
Photo: Taylor, Rachel, Grant and Ashley on rocks at back of our property.
Photo: Ashley and Rachel lost somewhere in a bubble bath

Everyone had a great time but we didn't see a whole lot of them as they were quite anxious to do their own exploring and came with a pre-planned itinerary. Of course we did send them to Lunenburg for the Lobstermen Tour and they all enjoyed that. Ashley and Rachel had a lot of fun just being buddies again and they got along very well. Grant couldn't get enough of his "big brudders" even if he told them several times a time to go away...but that's what makes Grant who he is! After leaving here they went on to P.E.I. and then home through the States.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ding Dong the Bells Are Calling!

Photo: Ashley and Maddie at fishing wharf in Terrence Bay.
Nice finger Ashley...you must get that from your father

August 7 - 12, 2006: Sorry about that really bad title, I feel like grandpa Dempster with my really bad humour! However, part of the Bell family which includes my sister Ailsa and her kids Maddie and Cameron were the next to grace our doorstep. The boys (Grant and Cameron) didn't take long to get up to a lot of mischief. Did I emphasize a lot of mischief? Ashley and Maddie had a lot of fun together and tried their best to keep the boys in line. Ailsa did much of her own touring which included a trip out to Lunenburg for the Lobstermen Tour and a visit to The Ovens. I'm thinking that these Lobstermen guys really owe me big time for doing some heavy public relations work for them. We joined them one day for a ferry ride and another day at Dollar Lake where it was warm and sunny. Rob and his friend Win took them mackarel fishing to a really pretty spot in Terrence Bay but unfortunately the fish were pretty shy that day. Ailsa and the kids stayed in town for 5 nights with husband Dan and son Scott joining them for the final night before they headed out to P.E.I. for two weeks of cottage life. Lucky them! Little do they know that we really will be joining them for a night or two...sorry you offered, aren't you Ailsa!

Photo: Grant, Maddie, Ashley, Cameron and Scott on the rock in front of our house

Friday, August 11, 2006

Welcome Hailey and Katie

Photo: Katie, Ashley, Hailey and Grant at a chilly Rainbow Haven Beach

August 4 - 11, 2006: Ashley and Grant were very excited to welcome Mary, Ian, Katie & Hailey who flew in from Ottawa for a visit. Ashley and the girls were good friends in Ottawa and she was really looking forward to spending some time with them again. We played tour guides and went on the Lobstermen Tour in Lunenburg, to Rainbow Haven Beach and down to the waterfront among other things. Unfortunately, this year's Natal Day fireworks changed its positioning from last year so our strategic viewing area wasn't so strategic! Our guests also went on their own to Bras d'Or Lakes in Cape Breton for a few days which didn't present them with the greatest weather. Isn't that a big surprise - not!
Photo: Grant learning to ride the waves at Rainbow Haven Beach
Photo: Ashley kissing a lobster (yuk!) with Hailey in background. Note: I thought you were supposed to kiss the cod??

Monday, July 24, 2006

On the Road Again...

July 8 - 23, 2006: After playing host to the Wilkinsons the first week in July, we started our own summer adventure in the wee hours of July 8. Our trip would take us to Toronto and Ottawa with numerous stops and visits in between.

We drove to Quebec City the first day and after finally finding our hotel, we rewarded the kids for their excellent behaviour during the car ride with a nice swim. A reward that might be disappointing to some, but not to them! Our time in Quebec City was short-lived as we continued our journey on to Cobourg the very next morning. The kids couldn't wait to get to Cobourg and love going to the beach. Unfortunately, some heavy rain put that plan on hold but they were able to hang out at Thingamazoo while mom, dad and grandma did some shopping. After two nights in Cobourg we continued on to Toronto with plans to return to Cobourg on our way back.

Our journey on to Toronto started with a visit the Forgies for 3 nights. The kids had a blast meeting up with aunts Sharon, Charlene and Cheryl as well as cousins Casey, Sarah, Elizabeth, Bobby and last but not least, auntie Margaret and grandma & grandpa Forgie. Aunt Charlene even joined us at the Toronto Zoo and the kids loved having her tag along. They also got to join Sarah, Elizabeth and aunt Charlene for lunch the following afternoon and still talk about all the dead fish they found at Kew Beach...wow! Aunt Sharon's hospitality was very appreciated and she didn't bat an eyelash when Grant kept giving her his not-so-easy-going attitude. I even managed to have a dinner date with my friends Kelly, Jenny, Jacqui and Kim.

Photos: (left) Grant & aunt Charlene at the Toronto Zoo (right) Grant getting what he deserves from cousins Bobby and Casey.

Photo: Ashley and cousin Elizabeth.

Photo: Grant giving poor aunt Sharon more abuse.

At the end of the week it was time to send dad back home on an airplane to earn some money so we could continue our journey. The three of us said goodbye to dad and the Forgies and headed to Newmarket to visit the Bell and Dempster families.

Our first stop was with the Bell family. Ashley and Grant had a great time catching up with Maddie and Cameron. On Saturday, uncle John had a get together at his house and he and aunt Shelley played gracious hosts to the three of us, plus the Bell and Leblanc families as well as auntie Linda and grandma& grandpa Dempster. The kids had a blast swimming with all their cousins and fulfilled their obligation to annoy the older cousins! Actually, they all played great and it was nice to see them having fun together.

Photo: Grandpa Dempster, Ashley, Grandma Dempster

Photos: (top) Cameron, Grant and Colin (bottom) John with his kids Erin and Colin

The following day we continued the barbeque and swimming adventures but this time we all headed to the Leblanc home where Fiona, Claude, Jeanette and John played host. Again, the older cousins were great with the younger ones and everyone had a lot of fun.

Photo: Cousins Maddie, Jeanette and Ashley

We ended the day with a short drive back to grandma and grandpa Dempster's in Cobourg where the kids finally realized their wish to go to the beach. So, the following day we packed up the sand toys and swimming gear and headed to the beach which is always a pretty spot. They played for hours and even went on to swim at the beach pool so no complaints were received that day from anyone.

Photo: Me, Grant and Ashley at Cobourg Beach, Lake Ontario.

After two nights in Cobourg it was time to bid a teary goodbye to grandma and grandpa Dempster and make our way to Ottawa where we would spend time visiting some old friends. Diana was kind enough to host a pre-birthday get together for Ashley & her old school friends since we would be back in Halifax by the time her birthday rolled around in August. Ashley & Grant loved spending the afternoon with Brock, Sabrina, Amber, Alexandra, Brayden, Charlie and Jamie. I loved catching up on life with Diana, Lara and Debbie. It was a chaotic but very fun afternoon!

Photo: Enjoying a pre-birthday party at the Wilkinsons in Ottawa

The moms even managed a night out at O'Connors that week and engaged in conversations that didn't include comments like, "stop pushing your sister, enough whining...!" Our time in Ottawa was spent visiting friends and hanging out. The kids had a great day with the Provans who include cousins Mitchel, Taylor, Collin and Rachel. Grant refers to the boys as his "big brudders" and Ashley and Rachel got along great and try to convince others that they're actually sisters! We are all very excited to have the Provans coming for a visit to Halifax in August.

Photo: Grant & Ashley outside of Benjo in Quebec City

Well, our plan to spend 4 nights in Ottawa got cut short by a night after learning that Rob needed to fly out earlier than planned so we'd need to get home in time for the dog. We started the journey home with our first night's stop finding us back in Quebec City where the kids got to spend hours in their favourite toy store, Benjo. Benjo caters to those of a smaller and younger stature. The price tag was fairly painless at the end and was worth the hours of entertainment they enjoyed.

Photo: Ashley & Grant at wharf in Fredericton (Holiday Inn, Mactacquac)

The following day we spent our last night of the trip in Fredericton. We were really impressed with Fredericton and loved the Holiday Inn as it's located just outside of town on the Saint John River and has a pool, outdoor playstructure and wharf. It was a relaxing final night and we took full advantage of the beautiful grounds. The next day we arrived home to find Rob had been busy during his week alone. The house had been painted and lots of landscaping had been done. We had a great time and have a quiet week or so before it's time to get ready for the new leg of visitors.