Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hey Big Sister...

After recovering from the excitement and chaos of the summer months, we welcomed our first visitors for the fall 2006 season. Rob's sister Cheryl and her boyfriend Brian arrived in Halifax the last week in September for a visit with her little brother and some golfing.

Photo: Hanging out at Peggy's Cove are Cheryl, Brooke (Ashley's friend), Brian, Ashley, Grant and Rob.

Photo: Rob watching the waves crash at Peggy's Cove.

Cheryl & Brian seemed to fit a lot into their week which included a few rounds of golf and lots of touristy things. They managed to make it up to New Brunswick to visit some friends for a few days and returned to Halifax just in time for Cheryl to clean up a disaster in our downstairs bathroom. Although I don't think she was too upset about doing it after being rewarded with a few bottles of her favourite imported soap. (You'll have to ask Cheryl about this one).

Photos: (left) Cheryl & Brian at the always familiar Peggy's Cove. (right) Cheryl contemplating the meaning of life at Peggy's's a common occurence there.

Photo: Ashley and Brooke on their modelling shoot at Peggy's Cove.

The kids loved having aunt Cheryl and Brian around and behaved pretty decent. We never realized Cheryl has become such a dog lover and even Dallas was sad to see her hoo. Hey Brian, don't forget your clubs. Again, you'll need to ask them about this one. Next visitors are Kelly and Kim who arrive at the end of October. Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sweet September Brings Satisfaction

Sorry, maybe I should get a job writing tag lines for the local paper. But wow, what a month September proved to be. Sunday shopping (finally) and The Rolling Stones both found their way to Halifax. Sunday shopping excitement requires no description of how much easier our lives have just become, but the Stones concert was the whipped cream and cherry on top of my other sundae.

Even though I lost everyone I went with, watched the concert on my own in what was probably record rainfall, and wandered the streets of Halifax until I caught a cab home...I had a great time! You know you're having fun when you're surprised it's over already. The Stones apparently took the stage for over two hours but it felt like I'd been there just shy of an hour.

So why did I lose everyone I went there with? Well, when you rely on actually hearing a cell phone ring at a rock concert with 50,000 people, that's your first mistake. Secondly, when you rely on your cell phone working when your entire body (including the undergarments under your undergarments) feel like they've just come out of the washing machine, that's your next mistake. Finally, don't think you can go pee and find your way back through 50,000 standing concert goers. So, rather than drown in my sorrows (no pun intended) I decided to make do and enjoy the night. My standing area view wasn't the greatest but it certainly was warm squeezed in there with the other general admission ticket buyers. There was so much pot in the air that I figure merely breathing helped numb the shivers.

While wandering down (or up, I'm not sure as I had no sense of direction) Robie Street I found a nice police officer who gave me some tips on how to catch a cab (legally). Presto...I was on my way home. Of course, that's the evening Cheryl & Brian were arriving from Toronto so my Alice Cooper make-up and Ozzy Osbourne-like ramblings may have made her a bit nervous at first. However, once the effects of the alcohol began to wear off, we were having a nice conversation and wondering where the heck Rob was. Two hours later, he showed up via cab as well.

Anyhow, that's how September has been so far. Pretty sweet. We'll update you on the rest of Cheryl and Brian's visit soon.

It's funny, they banned Sunday shopping for so long and now that they've allowed it, the only day stores have to close is Remembrance Day. The traditional "sacred" closing days are now up to retailers. They're a bit "different" out here.